In the deep and mystical jungle of Walacazoo, there lived a tribe of wild creatures that called themselves the Walla Walla Bingle Bongles. This tribe consisted of every type of jungle animal ranging from striped zebras to ass naked baboons. The tribe was led by Lion, the ruler of the jungle, and every creature bowed down and worshiped him. It was up to Lion to make the decisions within the tribe and all the animals obeyed.
It was July 64th, according to Walla Walla Bingle Bongle calendar, and that meant it was time for a clan meeting. These meetings were held in order to make sure that all the members were happy and satisfied with how the jungle was running. Lion of course ran these meetings and made all the final decisions, but the animals were able to comment and have partial say. On this very day though, things didn’t go as they normally would. A small critter by the name of Frog had a suggestion that left the clan in absolute awe.
Squeaking and croaking, Frog spoke up to King Lion and said, “Lion, I know how this jungle has been running under your family’s rule for the past 2000 years, but I feel I could do a much better job as ruler in this clan so I should be the new king of the Walla Walla Bingle Bongles.” With this statement, every animal became dead quiet and stared at Frog. The silence was bone chilling and gave the jungle a death like tone.
Lion got on all fours and spoke softly to Frog, “Frog, you are too small to rule this clan. No creature of your size could ever have control of such a massive population. Plus, I am a lion, and my family of lions has been ruling this land for the past 2000 years. It would be a joke for me to give up my rule to such a disgraceful creature as you. Do not ever speak of this again Frog, or you shall be expelled from the Walla Walla Bingle Bongels.” And so the discussion came to an end and the meeting was over.
Frog hopped quickly back to his tree where he had been living his whole life. In despair, he cried until two in the morning simply reabsorbing the water into his porous amphibian skin and then crying it out again. That very night after Frog had finally fallen asleep, he had a dream. But this wasn’t just a dream, this was a vision.
Frog’s vision began with him taking a bold leap into the dark jungle of Walacazoo and leaving the Walla Walla Bingle Bongle boundaries. Despite Frog’s fear, he was on a quest to find the greatest mentor of all, the Wizard of Oz. In the vision, he was able to meet with the great Wizard, and discuss the qualities of leadership as well as the techniques used in order to win the minds of all the jungle creatures. At the end of the vision, Frog saw himself as king sitting at the top of his tree, ruling the Walla Walla Bingle Bongles.
At precisely 6:30 am, Frog woke up and knew what he had to do. He packed a knapsack filled with black flies and a green leaf, then bounced off his tree, and set forth on a journey he would soon never forget.
The morning was crisp and cold with a light dew hanging over all the luscious vegetation. Walacazoo wasn’t just the ordinary jungle home to insects and monkeys, there were all sorts of animals that filled this jungle along with a wide variety of plants. Frog knew that the trip would be one of great risk, but to overcome himself he knew he had to do it.
Frog had been bouncing from tree to tree in the direction of 46 degrees southwest, for that was where the town of Oz was located, for about 4 hours when suddenly he heard a long and withdrawn howl. Frog knew he must have been getting close to Oz because about six hours away from Oz, the Wicked Witch of the West held her fortress with dozens of her evil flying monkeys. The howl or bicker of one of these sick creatures was enough to throw a book off a shelf. At this moment, Frog became quite anxious and started to bounce as fast as he possible could. But soon enough, his little frog legs gave out and he had to take a break. He found a nice tree to sit on, so he sat and had a couple of black flies. Suddenly, out of no where, a flying monkey flew in and grabbed Frog! In spontaneously, Frog shit his pants! He was now flying 100 feet above the surface headed for the Wicked Witch of the West’s castle! Frog knew he had to make a plan, and make it quick. In the hand of this wretched creature, what would he do? Luckily, he had grabbed his knapsack at the last second. With the knapsack, Frog had a leaf. If he could just escape the hand of the monkey, he could paraglide down to the surface for he was light enough. Frog pondered quickly and hard, but nothing was coming to him until finally, he knew what to do. He would use his long and sticky tongue to freak the monkey out. Frog started licking the monkeys hand and rapidly the monkey gave a “shreak” and dropped Frog. Frog grabbed the leaf and started paragliding! With the evil monkey going ape, Frog was able to escape effectively and merrily.
Flying through the air, Frog was able to see Oz not that far away. Gliding through the air, he was able to make up a ton of ground. Landing in a large field of flowers, he continued his journey to see the great Wizard. All of a sudden though, Frog became extremely tired. He felt as if he needed to lie down and take a nap. This could not be the case though for he had just eaten his black flies which give massive amounts of energy to frogs. Oh no, Frog knew what was happening. That monkey had told the Wicked Witch of the West how he had escaped and she was seeking revenge. She put a spell into the flower field that causes tiredness. Frog thought to himself about how close he was to Oz and what he could do to overcome the want for sleep. As his small little body was falling to the ground and his eyes were about to close, Frog had an idea. He remembered how he had packed a Redbull into his knapsack! He chugged the Redbull and soon had wings! There was not a chance that Frog was going to fall asleep now and he quickly hurried on through the field.
At the end of the field, there it was. There was Oz. Frog had conquered the journey and it was now time to find the great Wizard.
Asking a local community member, Frog asked, “Excuse me fine sir, in what direction could I find the one and only Wizard?”
The weird ass mother responded to frog, “Why young Frog, you truly think that the great Wizard will acknowledge such a creature as small as you?”
Frog said, “Are you fucking kidding me weird ass, I just came 10 hours to see the one and only wizard, where the fuck is he?”
The citizen said, “Well fine little Frog, he is down road 40 on the right.”
Frog hopped down road 40 and took the first right he came to. There stood the largest and most beautiful castle he had ever seen in his whole life. It glimmered with green and gold and large shiny metal platforms. Opening the gigantic door on the front, Frog was instantly struck with fear. He had come this far, but not to fail. Frog hopped down the large hallway until he suddenly heard a loud noise and a plume of smoke and fire. Frog became filled with fear and hopped out as fast as possible. Feeling sad that he hadn’t done his job, he knew he would forever be the little frog he was.
Walking back down road 40, Frog came across a small pig.
The pig said, “I know what you are doing you frog, you are scared of the Wizard and are embarking on your way home. I don’t know how many times I see it in a day. You need to go back to the Wizard right now and claim to get what you want. You are strong enough and you can do it.”
Frog didn’t even say a word; he simply jumped back to the beautiful castle with a huge smile. J Entering the doors, he faced his fear and hopped straight into the room of the magical Wizard.
Speaking as loud as he possible could, Frog spoke to the Wizard of Oz, “Mr. Wizard, I have had a vision and it has told me to come to you in search of a way to win the vow of my people and take the thrown for I know a way to lead my people that will benefit them better than King Lion ever has.”
With bold and defining words, the Wizard responded, “Why young frog, I have been expecting you… I have come to a conclusion that will give you the powers to overcome the lion. What you need to do Frog, is offer the entire member of the Walla Walla Bingle Bongles a life supply of Mango Madness Snapple, which I am prepared to give to you.”
The Frog said, “Holy cats Sir Wizard of Oz, thank you so much!”
The Wizard then stated, “Now be on your way young and precious Frog, your ride back home to the jungle of Walacazoo is waiting outside.”
Frog quickly hopped outside where a teleported was waiting with a sign on it that said, “Get In.” As soon as he had stepped in and shut the door, he was suddenly in his home tree. He hopped out and gathered all of the Walla Walla Bingle Bongle members including King Lion.
Frog made it clear to the animals, “People of Walla Walla Bingle Bongle’s, I am here to offer you something. I am here to offer you all a lifetime supply of Mango Madness flavored Snapple for in return the honor of being king.”
The animals spoke for a few minutes and said, “Frog, we would love this! Frog, you are new leader.”
Lion was heartbroken in saying, “Well critters, I have been honored to rule you but there is no way I could ever turn down an offer like so. Frog, lead the Walla Walla Bingle Bongle’s!”
In tears of happiness Frog directed to his new kingdom of animals, “In leading this pack, I will do my best to make all of the correct decisions. My first decision will be that all animals are equal and communism will rule.”
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